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The 5 Best Dorm Alarm Clocks

DormEssentials February 19, 2022
Amazon Prime Student

When you’re living in the dorms at college, making sure you wake up on time for morning classes requires a good dorm alarm clock. Lets face it – you’re going to want to keep sleeping in from a late night of socializing or studying, so an alarm clock useful to wake up on time while also keeping your phone away from your bed for undistracted sleep. To make sure you don’t miss your morning classes, we’ve compiled the following Dorm Essentials top 5 dorm alarm clock for waking up on time in the dorm. Just make sure your dorm roommate is going to be ok waking up when you are!

1. Amazon Basics Small Dorm Digital Alarm Clock with Battery Backup

Digital dorm alarm clock with a 0.7-inch green LED display for easily checking the time at a glance. Built-in nightlight gently illuminates a dark dorm room. AC powered with integrated power supply. Batteries may be used as a backup power source to ensure time and alarms are retained in memory for 8 hours.

dorm alarm clock

2. Peakeep 4 inches Twin Bell Battery Operated Loud Dorm Alarm Clock (Black)

Loud dorm alarm clock for people who are heavy sleepers, mild loss hearing even deaf. No snooze button, good wake up clock for students who have trouble waking up. Silent with non-ticking hands, nice for a good studying environment, also for a soothing sleep. Vintage twin bell alarm clock, retro style takes you back to 80’s. Don’t forget to get batteries for this dorm alarm clock.

dorm alarm clock

3. PEAKEEP Smart Night Light Dorm Digital Alarm Clock

The college dorm clock features a built-in ambient light sensor. This alarm clock has a gradually faster beep noise which continues for 90 seconds. Before the alarm stops itself, top snooze button can be continually pressed to get an extra 8-minute nap. There is an indoor temperature gauge monitor in this digital dorm alarm clock. Make sure to get the AAA batteries needed too.

dorm alarm clock

4. Alarm Clock for Dorm Room, 2 Alarms Loud LED Big Display Clock with USB Charging Port

With 7″ LED easily check the time from across the dorm room. Alarm volume can be adjusted to 4 levels according to your depth of sleep, louder for heavy sleepers while slight for light sleepers. 5 level adjustable digits brightness dimmer for easy reading, brighter for day while darker for night. Battery backup.

dorm alarm clock

5. College Dorm Alarm Clock Wooden Electronic

Stylish Wooden Design for dorm decoration. Multiple Brightness Level Adjustment. Temperature and Humidity Detection. This is last on our list because despite looking great, this clock is operated by USB to barrel power cord, meaning it needs a power supply.

dorm alarm clock

A dorm alarm clock can be a useful and practical item to have in college, especially if you have early classes or need to be up early for other activities. An alarm clock can help you wake up on time and can also serve as a backup in case your phone battery dies or you forget to set your phone alarm.

There are many different types of alarm clocks available, including digital alarm clocks, analog alarm clocks, and alarm clocks with additional features such as snooze buttons, radio, and Bluetooth connectivity. You can choose the type of alarm clock that best suits your needs and preferences.

Some benefits of having an alarm clock in college include:

  1. Waking up on time: An alarm clock can help you wake up on time and avoid oversleeping or missing important classes or appointments.
  2. Reducing reliance on phone alarms: Using an alarm clock can help reduce your reliance on your phone for waking up, which can help preserve your phone battery and reduce the risk of missing an alarm if your phone dies or has a problem.
  3. Providing backup: An alarm clock can serve as a backup in case your phone alarm fails or you forget to set it.
  4. Personalization: An alarm clock can be a decorative element in your dorm room, helping you to personalize your space and create a more welcoming atmosphere.

Overall, whether or not you need an alarm clock in college will depend on your personal preferences and needs. If you think an alarm clock could be useful or enjoyable to have, it could be a good addition to your dorm room essentials.

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